Our Lady’s Admissions Policy
Our Lady Star of the Sea is a Catholic Primary School under the trusteeship of the Diocese of Lancaster. It is maintained by Lancashire Local Authority as a voluntary aided primary school. The Governing Body is the admissions authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applicants for admission.
The Governors welcome applications from Catholic and non-Catholic parents who would like their children educated within the aims and ethos of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School. Our Lady Star of the Sea is a Catholic Primary School in which the Catholic faith and the teachings of the Catholic Church are important aspects of school life and influence the school curriculum.
We ask all parents applying for a place here to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community.
This does not affect the right of parents who are not of the faith of this school to apply for and be considered for a place here.
If you are applying a place for your child in Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School on faith grounds please complete this form in addition to the Common Application Form available online or issued by the Local Authority, after first reading the school’s admission policy.
This supplementary information form will assist the Governors of the school in deciding whether your child qualifies for a place. Failure to complete the form may affect where your child is placed within the oversubscription criteria.
Part A must be completed by the parent/guardian.
Part B must be completed/signed by a Parish Priest.
In-Year Applications at Our Lady Star of the Sea
An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places. An application should be made to the school by completing the in-year admissions application form and returning it to The Headteacher at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, Kenilworth Road, St Annes, FY8 1LB .
Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements for the current school year, will be applied. See above for criteria. Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.
If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list. Please see the admission arrangements for more details. Please note, that the waiting list does NOT guarantee a place at our school and if your child is currently not in education you should either make an appeal to our school and/or apply for a place at an alternative school.
Further information on how to apply for a local school can be found on the Lancashire County Council website
You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible. Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of receipt.
You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful. If you wish to appeal please contact the school office on 01253 726015 and further information and an appeal form will be provided. You can also find further advice and guidance on the Lancashire County Council Website
If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions please contact school. You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with the local authority.